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LunaDefend's Session

Cookies (or any other session data) in the web browser are scoped to a specific domain. Because LunaDefend's front-end components run in a separate domain, they don't have access to the session data from your main site.

Why does LunaDefend need to know about sessions?

LunaDefend ties token permissions to sessions through short-lived Grants. This makes it harder for an attacker to decode sensitive data, even if they manage to steal a token.

Methods of Bootstrapping Sessions

There are two main ways your application can handle authentication:

  1. Your app creates the session and LunaDefend trusts it,
  2. The session is created and managed by a specialized service like an Auth Proxy (Still in development).

LunaDefend supports both of these schemes.

1. Application Provided Session

How it works

If your application server is creating sessions, the @lunasec/node-sdk can read your session information and use it to create a cookie on the domain of the Secure Frame (where the iFrame and Dedicated Tokenizer live). To do this, it follows what is essentially an OAuth flow where your backend is the authentication provider. A request is made from our library in the browser to our plugin in your backend, which redirects the browser to the Dedicated Tokenizer service, which finally creates a session for LunaDefend. This all happens automatically as long as you have registered the express-auth-plugin in your server as explained in the Getting Started guide.

  1. Once the Tokenizer starts, it requests the provided /.lunasec/jwks.json endpoint in Application Backend (automatically registered to the backend with the express-auth-plugin)
  2. Every time a page containing a LunaDefend component is loaded the authentication flow is started. The LunaDefend SDK on the frontend will start an auth redirection flow by requesting the Tokenizer.
  3. The Tokenizer redirects the Application Fronted to the /.lunasec/secure-frame endpoint in Application Backend which will read the session registered on the Application Backend domain and then create a signed JWT containing a session identifier.
  4. The Application Backend will redirect the request back to the Tokenizer where it will verify the signature of the signed JWT and then set it as a cookie on the Tokenizer domain. The identity associated with any subsequent calls to the Tokenizer is the identity contained in the signed JWT set as the cookie.

diagram of auth flow

Session ID Provider

When you configure @lunasec/node-sdk, you pass it a callback that can retrieve the user's sessionId from a request. That way, LunaDefend can quickly be set up to work with any authentication scheme, whether it is cookie, header, or API key based.

Here is an example implementation of this callback where a previous middleware (express-session in this case) has already attached a session object to the request as req.user.

export const lunaSec = new LunaSec({
// ...
auth: {
// ...
sessionIdProvider: (req: Request) => {
if (req.user !== undefined) {
return null; // LunaSec elements will fail in this case
// ...

LunaDefend Secure Components will fail to load on a page where a session isn't available.

If you'd like to use secure elements without a logged-in user, like as part of a signup flow, you may wish to create a temporary session or otherwise provide some kind of unique token in this callback so that LunaDefend can continue to work. Just be careful if you go this route, and feel free to message our team if you'd like a hand verifying your approach. We've seen it done properly for some deployments, but it's nuanced.


In the Live Demo app, after you create an account and login, you can see this session creation process in action with the requests to /session/ensure and /session/verify. Those requests gather the identity of the user before any tokenization or detokenization takes place.

2. Auth Proxy

Still in Development

Support for third-party auth proxies is still in development. It is one of the next features on the roadmap and will be supported soon.

In this scheme, an authentication proxy like ORY Oathkeeper takes care of the session. This is typically a bit more complex as infrastructure but much more secure. It gives the strongest guarantees around protecting your data, even if your server is compromised. LunaDefend can also load faster when session management has already been taken care of.

Enterprises often use a scheme like this. LunaDefend can be adapted to work with different authentication providers.

Authentication is not enough

Gathering the session information tells us who is logged in, but it doesn't tell us what Tokens they're allowed to Detokenize. If we skipped the "what can you detokenize?" step, we would still enable an attacker to Detokenize the value of any Token that they have access to.

In order to prevent this, we have to add an Authorization check too. With LunaDefend, we rely on a system called Authorization Grants that work in conjunction with sessions to properly verify Detokenization requests are legitimate.