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Secret Providers

Available Secret Providers

When we set up the LunaDefend Node SDK, we pass a private key that LunaDefend uses to establish trust with your app. LunaDefend provides a few different ways to set it:


Provide a '<signing key>' as a KeyLike value.

import { createPrivateKey } from 'crypto';

export const lunaSec = new LunaSec({
auth: {
secrets: {
provider: 'manual',
signingKey: createPrivateKey('PRIVATEKEY123ABC')

Environment Variable

Set the environment variable LUNASEC_SIGNING_KEY which will be detected by LunaDefend at runtime.

export const lunaSec = new LunaSec({
auth: {
secrets: {
provider: 'environment'

AWS Secrets Manager

Store the signing key in Aws Secrets Manager and provide the ARN to LunaDefend.

export const lunaSec = new LunaSec({
auth: {
secrets: {
provider: 'awsSecretsManager',
secretArn: '<secret arn>'