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· 8 min read
Gabe Martino

Arch Linux Install

BTW we use Arch

Here at LunaSec not only have we been busy hacking, but we've also onboarded a couple new team members WOOHOO 🥳! Through the onboarding process, we realized there is an opportunity to release our developer environment setup as a guide for the community.

We're sharing this guide to both show how we are using Arch Linux as Security Engineers at LunaSec and to give confidence to developers considering making the switch to Arch.

Why is Arch the best operating system for developers?

Here are a few of the reasons why we decided to use Arch as our development environment:

  • We have direct visibility and control down to the kernel
  • We know what's on our system and only use what we deem necessary
  • We can configure our environments to meet security standards quickly and seamlessly
  • We have access to the latest packages for development

We found Arch to be that sweet spot between security, accessibility, and productivity. As an Open Source startup, using Open Source software is fundamental to our values and culture as security professionals.